This Spring (2025), I am teaching two sections of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics capstone course at UNC, Chapel Hill. I have previously taught seminars on ethics, bioethics, social choice theory, epistemology, logic (both deductive and inductive), and decision theory at UNC, University of Konstanz, U.C. Irvine, and California State University, Long Beach. Online lecture videos for my undergraduate course on inductive reasoning, taught at UCI, are available here.
This portfolio includes a statement of my teaching philosophy together with a summary of my student course evaluation, which are available in full here.
Courses Taught
As instructor of record:
- PPE Capstone (Great Ideas in PPE). Spring 2023/4/5; Fall 2024, UNC
- Bioethics. Spring 2023/4; Fall 2022, UNC
- Practical Ethics. Fall 2023, UNC
- Logic and Decision Theory. Fall 2022/3, UNC
- Collective Choice and Social Welfare. Summer 2022, Konstanz
- Formal Epistemology. Winter 2021/2, Konstanz
- Introduction to Inductive Logic (graduate). Summer 2021, Konstanz
- Introduction to Inductive Logic (undergraduate). Spring 2020, UCI
- Rationality and Decisions. Fall 2019, CSULB
- Introduction to Symbolic Logic. Summer 2019, UCI
As teaching assistant (UCI):
- Voting and Political Manipulation. Winter 2019
- Naturalized Epistemology. Fall 2018
- Probability and Statistics. Winter 2020/2018; Spring 2018/2017/2016
- Philosophy of Biology. Winter 2017/2015
- Behavioral Economics. Fall 2016
- Business Decisions. Fall 2015
- The Good Life: Happiness and Well-Being. Spring 2015
Sample Syllabi for Prospective Courses: